
BISS Belmark Wisk Me Away, Am mjr pts

MDR1 and VWD Clear by parentage, eyes OFA normal
CEA n/n, DM n/n, DMS 002:01/023:01/aabb, PRA n/n

So a goal of mine has been to finish a dog of every color and the sable merle has been evading me. I think this is the one. To make it even better she is a Trouble daughter. She is a beautiful rich color, loves the world and has lovely head and body. This little girl shines, with lovely reach and drive. She was RWB under David Calderwood at the Green Bay specialties, next day she was WB, and BOS under James Frederickson at the All-breed, and then She was WB, BW and BOB at the Specialty under Anita Stelter. She needs another major and a few points. we will take her back out after her litter by Ch Laureate Vintages.


BIS BISS GCHG Am/Can Ch Solange Veledictorian ROM ROMC CC

Am/Can Ch Laureate Macademia ROM ROMC

Ch Kensil's Proven Innocent

Can Ch laureate Christie Brinkley

BIS BISS GCHG Ch Paray Preferential ROM

Ch Kensil's Guilty Pleasure ROM

BISS GCH Ch Kensil's Proven Trouble

GCH Ch Kensil's Irish Eyes ROM

BISS GCHS Am/Can Ch Belmark Close Encounter ROM

Ch Kensil's Chance Encouter

GCH Ch Kensil's Circus Best

Ch Kensil's Irish Honor

BIS BISS GCHG Ch Paray Preferential ROM

Kensil's Circus Dijon

GCh Ch Kensil's Circus Carousel ROM

Ch Whiteoak'sDealer's Choice

BISS GCh Ch Solange Surround Sound ROM ROMC

BISS GCH Am/Can Ch Barwood Sound Sensation ROM AOM

GCHG Ch Solamge Body Language ROM

BISS Am/Can Ch Sea Haven Squeeze Play ROM

Ch Barwood Imagination ROM

Belmark Vonellope Von Schweetz

Barwood Imagine That

BISS GCH Am/Can Ch Belmark Shakedown ROM ROMC

GCh Am/Can Ch Belmark Skyfall


BISS GCh Ch Belmark Bring On The Rain

Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever ROM

BISS GCHS Am/Can Ch Belmark Close Encounter ROM

Ancient Day It's A Beautiful Day

Ancient day Creativity



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