Here is where we showcase our young-growing puppies. These are the babies that we have retained form the litters showcased on our Puppies page. These are the young hopes and dreams of our upcoming future. We may not keep all these puppies in the end but if they are on this page they are not for sale at this time. We hope that these puppies will turn out as we hope and we can show them off in the ring soon. Thanks for letting us share.
If you would like to see our older puppies, Up N' Comers, please click here!





Belmark Out Loud
VWD, MDR1, DM, DMS, CEA, CNGA1, PRA clear by parentage

It's hard to choose which is best, so we still have both. These girls are so pretty and so easy to love, right in the middle of the charts and have lovely lines with great angulation. We truly are blessed. We even had a pretty day for pictures, they are pictured at 12 weeks. We look forward to their future.



Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM ROMC

BISS GCh Am/Can Ch Belmark Shakedown ROM ROMC

BISS GCh Ch Belmark Alaska Shakeout

Am/Can Ch Belmark All Shook Up ROM ROMC

MBISS NBIS BIS GCh Am/Can/Jap Ch Jesstar Nirvana ROM ROMC

Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever ROM

BISS Ch Belmark Greatest Asset

Am/Can Ch Felicity Jamaican Me Crazy

BISS GCh Ch Rosmoor Mohave ROM

BISS GCh Ch Belmark Tarantino ROM

Ch Belmark Prized Possession

Ch Belmark Constellation

Ch Apple Acres Man Of Mystery

Ch Apple Acres Most Expensive

Ch Apple Acres Most Beautiful ROM

NBISS BIS GCHG Am/Can/Jap Ch Jesstar Nirvana ROM ROMC CC

Ch Sunaire Mainstay Integrity ROM ROMC

BISS GCH Am/Can Ch Mystic Suntime Jesse James

BISS GCh Ch Sunaire Opulance And Bling ROM

MBISS MBIS GCHP2 Syringa-Akadia The Consair ROM CC2 AOM

Am/Can Ch Suntime Anything Is Possible ROM ROMC

BISS Belmark Savage Love, Am mjr pts

Suntime Skinny Love

MBISS GCh Ch Rosmoor Mojave ROM

MBISS Ch Belmark Tarantino ROM

Belmark Oola La La, Am mjr pts

Ch Belmark Constellation

Ch Sunaire Mainstay Integrity ROM ROMC

Belmark Aberdeen, Am pts

Belmark Waiting To Exhale, UKC pts







Belmark Apropos
VWD, MDR1, DM, CEA, CNGA1, PRA-BBS2 clear by parentage

So many beautiful tri girls to keep, not my favorite color to show as they are hard, specially girls but this bitch is so very pretty, we just can't resist to add another beautiful tri girl to our lot. She has the very best personality, makes you look at her, and she has a lovely head and body, with that bright tan we love. The last Nolan kid, she will have tons of hair, reminds us of half sister Ch Belmark Quinceanera.

      BISS GCH Ch Rosmoor Protocol ROM
    BIS BISS GCHG Am/Can Ch Jestar Nirvana ROM ROMC
BISS GCH Ch Lochlyn All Jacked Up ROM Ch Jestar Astoria
      Ch Lochlyn Dream Catcher ROM
    Lochlyn Just A Dream
BISS GCH Ch Belmark Stone Cold Sober   Ch Lochlyn Chasing A Dream
      Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM ROMC
    BISS GCH Am/Can Ch Belmark Shakedown ROM ROMC
Ch Belmark Soiree ROM Am/Can Ch Belmark All Shook Up ROM ROMC
      BIS BISS GCHG Am/Can Ch Jestar Nirvana ROM ROMC
    Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever ROM
      Ch Felicity Jamaican Me Crazy
      BISS Am/Can Ch Bach Belmark ON Canvas CGC
    Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM ROMC
  BISS GCh Am/Can Ch Belmark Give Me Chills ROM Karmix Third Watch
      BIS NBISS Am/Can/Jap GChG Ch Jesstar Nirvana ROM
Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever ROM
Belmark Quick As A Wink, Am mjr pts   Ch Felicity Jamaican Me Crazy
      NBISS GCh CH Syringa Treasure Trove ROM
BISS GCH Ch Syringa Paradise Music Of The Night AOM
  Belmark Sweet Confection GCh CH Syringa-Akadia Jolie Blueu
      BIS NBISS Am/Can/Jap GCHG Ch Jesstar Nirvana ROM
    BISS GCh Ch Belmark Country Lane Confetti
      Country Lane Americana






Belmark Jail Break
VWD, MDR1, DM, CEA, PRA-BBS2, CNGA1 clear by parentage

We love this boy, and just couldn't let him go. He is everything we could ask for, such a little sweetie too. We look forward to showing him in the New Year. He is a lovely blend of sire and dam, with a lovely well put together body. Nash and his brother are Futurity nominated for ASSA National 2026



BIS BISS GCHB Am/Can Ch Solange Valedictorian ROM ROMC

Am/Can Ch LaureateMacademia ROM ROMC

BISS GCH Ch Kensil's Proven Innocent ROM

Can Ch Laureate Christie Brinkley

BIS BISS GCHG Ch Paray Preferential ROM

Ch Kensil's Guilty Pleasure ROM

BISS GCh Ch Kensil's Proven Trouble

GCH Ch Kensil's Irish Eyes ROM

RBIS BISS GCHS Ch Belmark Close Encounter ROM AOM

Ch Kensil's Chance Encounter

GCH Ch Kensil's Circus Best

Ch Kensil's Irish Honor

BIS BISS GCHG Ch Paray Preferential ROM

Knesil's Circus Djion

GCH Ch Kensil's Circus Carousel ROM

BISS GCh Ch Solange Surround Sound ROM

BISS Am/Can Ch Barwood Sound Sensation ROM AOM

BISS GCHB Ch Belmark Eternal

Ch Barwood Imagination ROM

BISS GCh Ch Lochlyn All Jacked Up ROM

Ch Belmark Memories On Tap

Belmark Isna Yo Bizniz

GCh Ch Belmark Soiree ROM

Ch Brandina Carmylie Double Digit ROM

BISS GChS Am/Can Ch Belmark Close Encounter ROM AOM

Ch Belmark Million Dollar Baby

Ch Belmark InStyle

GCh Ch Solange Tour De Force ROM

Ch Clearsky Belmark Imagine Dragons

Ch Barwood Imagination ROM




Mac, Mars, Maggie, Matilda, Murphy and Mabel

Belmark Magic Man "Mac", Belmark Just Cruising "Maggie",
Belmark Riding Waves "Murphy",
and Belmark Make Believe "Mabel"
VWD, MDR1, DMS, PRA-BBS2, CNGA1 clear by parentage

Sooooo...... I hate to admit but I still have 4 puppies from this litter. I really don't want to place any. 1 boy and 3 girls are all lovely and worth finishing their Championships at this point. What am I to do. I may consider placing one to a VERY good show home.  These puppies have a great personality, they are sweet and happy, have lovely heads and nice angulation, nicely marked and very consistent with size and quality. We can't love them more, they are Futurity nominated for 2026 ASSA National



NBISS Am/Can GCH Ch Laureate Invincible ROM ROMC

Am/Can Ch Lynphil Laureate Advantage

GCH Am/Can Ch Laureate Vintages

Am/Can GCH Ch Lynphyl 'Now You See Me'

Am/Can GCH Ch Grandgables Turn On The Charm ROM ROMC

Am/Can Ch Lynphil Red Red Wine ROM ROMC

GCh Ch Randomcreek Belmark Roadster

Laureate Invaluable

Jesstar Mondavi, Am pts

Ch Laurelen Whiteoak Up On The Bars

Randomcreek's Glamour Shot, Am pts

Whiteoak-Laurelen Royal Wedding

BISS GCH Am/Can Ch Barwood Sound Sensation ROM AOM

Randomcreek's Glamour Girl

Ch Belmark N' Randomcreek Cotilion

Ch Whiteoaks's Dealer's Choice II

BISS GCH Ch Solange Surround Sound ROM

BISS GCH Am/Can Ch Barwoods Sound Sensation ROM AOM

Ch Solange Body Language ROM

Am/Can Ch Sea Haven Squeeze Play ROM

Ch Barwood Imagination ROM

Ch Belmark Am I In Your Dreams

Barwoods Imagine That


NBISS BIS Am/Can/Jap GCHG Ch Jesstar Nirvana ROM ROMC

BISS GCh Ch Locklyn All Jacked Up ROM

Ch Belmark Memories On Tap

Locklyn All A Dream

BISS GCh Am/Can Ch Belmark Shakedwon  ROM ROMC

GCh Ch Belmark Soiree ROM

Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever ROM






Kia, Kit, Kitten, Kira, Kleo, Kona, Kipper

Belmark Time After Time
VWD, DM, DMS, CEA, PRA-BBS2, CNGA1 clear by parentage

"Kira" Belmark Time After Time and "Kia" Belmark Starry Night, are all growing up here. What a lovely litter this has been and so incredibly friendly. All their sizes are right on, and they have beautiful solid bodies. We think this could be a 5 Champion litter, we have two blue girls and a blue boy in show homes. They will be out after the National. This group is special.

      BISS GCH Ch Rosmoor Protocol ROM
    BIS BISS GCHG Am/Can Ch Jestar Nirvana ROM ROMC
Ch Belmark Drum Roll Please Ch Jesstar Astoria
      Ch Aynsworth No Moon Tonight ROM
    Belmark Counting Stars, Am pts
Am/Can Ch Belmark Beat Goes On   Am/Can Ch Felicity Jamaican Me Crazy
      Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM ROMC
    BISS GCH Am/Can Ch Belmark Shakedown ROM ROMC
GCh Ch Belmark Soiree ROM AMainstay Sunair m/Can Ch Belmark All Shook Up ROM ROMC
      BIS BISS GCHG Am/Can Ch Jestar Nirvana ROM ROMC
    Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever ROM
      Ch Felicity Jamaican Me Crazy
      NBISS BIS GCh Am/Can/Jap Ch Pop Star SS Of Northern Farm CD ROM ROMC CC
    BISS GCHB Ch Rosmooor Protocol ROM
  BIS BISS GChS Ch Rosmoor Afterglow ROM BISS Ch Rosmoor Rapture II
      MBISS GChS Ch Rosmooor Mojave ROM
GCh Ch Rosmoor Versailes
BISS Ch Belmark Rewrite The Stars   Ch Mainstay Sunair Mosaic
      BISS Am/Can/UKC Ch Bach Belmark On Canvas CGC
Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROMC ROM
  Ch Belmark Cravin Some Sass Karmix Third Watch
      BISS Am/Can Ch Belmark Shakedown ROM ROMC
    Randomcreek N Belmark Addiction
      UKC Ch Belmark Randomcreek Kaluha Kiss, Am pts






Belmark Lil Lollipop

VWD, DM, DMS, CEA, CNGA-PRA and MDR1 clear by parentage,

So we don't need another tricolor girl, but can we pass up Lalita? She is a lovely blend of sable and AOAC. Now granted we only have ourselves to blame as eh had a lovely sable girl and sable merle boy, which we placed in pet homes because good homes came along. Lalita can't be denied though. She is as beautiful as could be. She has substance and balance and a lovely expression. We can't help but love her. 


Ch Whiteoak's Dealer's Choice ROM

BISS GCH Ch Solange Surround Sound ROM

BISS GCH Am/Can Ch Barwood Sound Sensation ROM

BISS GCH Ch Solange Body Language ROM

Am/Can Ch Sea Haven Squeeze Play ROM

Ch Barwood Imagination ROM

MBISS GChB Ch Belmark Eternal

Barwood Imagine That

BIS BISS GCH Ch Jesstar Norvana ROM

BISS GCH Ch Lochlyn All Jacked Up ROM

Ch Belmark Memories On Tap

Lochlyn Just A Dream

BISS Am/Can GCH Ch Belmark Shakedown ROM ROMC

Ch Belmark Soiree ROM

Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever

BISS Am/Can CH Bach Belmark ON Canvas CGC

Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM ROMC

BISS  GCh Am/Can Ch Belmark Give Me Chills ROM

Karmix Third Watch

BIS NBIS MBISS GCHG Am/Can/Jap Ch Jesstar Nirvana ROM ROMC

Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever ROM

BISS Ch Belmark A Touch Of Sun

Ch Felicity Jamaican Me Crazy

BISS GCh Ch Rosmoor Mojave ROM

BISS GCh Ch Belmark Tarantino ROM

Ch Belmark Endless Summer

Ch Belmark Constellation

GCh Am/Can Ch Belmark Skyfall

BISS GCh Ch Belmark Bring On The Rain

Ancient Day It's A Beautiful Day





Belmark She's My Kind Of Rain
VWD, MDR1, DM, CEA, PRA clear by parentage

Julia was our choice for this lovely litter. So very grateful to Shanalee Waller for entrusting her dam to us and suggesting this breeding. We love everything about her and just can't stop staring at that lovely face. She is sound too with great legs. We love what JJ is producing and will have her out as soon as we are able.



      BISS GChB Ch Rosmoor Protocol ROM ROMC
    BIS NBISS  GChS Am/Can Ch Jesstar Nirvana ROM ROMC CC
Ch Sunaire Mainstay Integrity ROM ROMC BISS GCh Ch Jesstar Astoria ROM
      Ch Lochlyn Dream Catcher ROM
    BISS GCh Ch Sunaire Opulance And Bling ROM
Am/Can Ch Mystic Suntime Jessee James   Sunaire Mardi Gras
      NBISS GCH Ch Syringa Treasure Trove FDC ROM
    MBIS MBISS GChP2 Syringa-Akadia The Consair ROM CC2 AOM
Am/Can Ch Suntime Anything Is Possible ROM ROMC Ch Syringa-Akadia Witch One ROM
      BISS GCHS Lochlyn All Jacked Up ROM
    Suntime Skinny Love
      Belmark Exhale
      Ch Montage Booty Call ROM
    Am/Can Ch Elbee Push For Play
  GCh Ch Akadia-Syringa Night Shade Can Ch Elbee Your Attitude Is Showing
      Ch Macdega Notorious ROM ROMC
Akadia-Syringa Pocket Full O' Posies
Akadia Raindrops Of Radiance, Am pts   Ch Syringa-Akadia Witch One ROM
      NBISS GCH Ch Syringa Treasure Trove PDC ROM
MBIS MBISS GCHP2 Ch Syringa-Akadia The Corsair ROM CC2 AOM
  Ch Syringa Fairy Tails CH Syringa-Akadia Witch One ROM
      GCH Ch Springmist I Like It, I Love It ROM
    Syringa R U Gonna Kiss Me Or Not
      Akadia Little Gothic Girl





Belmark Written In The Sand
VWD. MDR1, CEA. DM, DMS, CNGA1, BBS2-PRA clear by parentage

Sandy is lovely, she has a wonderful personality and perfect markings, nice body lines, plenty of red coat and a lovely headpiece with a lean skull. She is a perfect blend of sire and dam. Her brother is almost finished. Dam will be out later this year. We love this sweet girl. Hope to have her out soon.

      Can Ch Lauretae Invictus
    NBISS GCHS Am/Can Ch Laureate Invincible CGN ROM ROMC
  Am/Can Ch Lynphil Laureate Advantage Am/Can Ch Laureate Immortality ROMC
      Can Ch Lynphil Mirror Mask
    GCHB Am/Can Ch Lynphil 'Now You See Me' ROM

BISS GCH CH Cathance Essential Quality

  Can Ch Lynphil Playmate ROMC
      BISS GCh Am/Can Ch Barwood Sound Sensation ROM
    Am/Can Ch Trevanne's Love Somebody
  Ch Belmark Change Of Fate Can Ch Trevanne's Gs Sarah Pacini
      BISS RBIS GCHS Am/Can Ch Belmark Close Encounter ROM
    Kensil's Belmark Enchanted
      Ch Kensil's Irish Clan
      Am/Can Ch Laureate Macademia ROM ROMC
    BISS BIS GCH Ch Kensil's Proven Innocent ROM
  BISS GCH Ch Kensil's Proven Trouble ROM Ch Kensil's Guilty Pleasure ROM
      Ch Kensil's Chance Encounter
    GCH Ch Kensil's Circus Best
Belmark Simply Irresistible   Kensil's Circus Djion
      BISS GCH Ch Solange Surround Sound ROM
    BISS GCh Am/Can Ch Barwood Sound Sensation ROM
  Ch Casino Belmark Squeezable (4Chs) Ch Barwood Imagination ROM
      Ch Belmark Talent Scout II
    Casino C.C. Ryder
      Sunbrair Sachet Surreal, Can pts





Belmark The Chosen One
VWD, MDR1, DM, CEA, PRA-BBS2, CNGA1 clear by parentage

We have had this girl for sale for months. I guess its our gain. She is so pretty and a Flozzy daughter, we will just keep her and finish her ourselves. Such a pretty girl and moderate, lovely head and well placed legs. Great color, coat, and a head I can't fault. We will be busy this year. Hope husband understands.



Can Ch Laureate Invictus ROMC

Am/Can GCH Ch Laureate Invincible ROM ROMC

Am/can Ch Lynphil Laureate Advantage

Am/Can Ch Laureate Immortality ROMC

Can Ch Lynphil Mirror Mirror ROM

Am/Can GCH Ch Lynphil 'Now You See Me'

GCh Ch Laureate Vintages

Can Ch Lynphil Playmate ROMC

BIS BISS GCHG Am/Can Ch Solange Valedictorian ROM ROMC CC

Am/Can GCH Ch Grandgables Turn On The Charm ROM ROMC

Am/Can Ch Laureate Red Red Wine ROM ROMC

BISS Am/Can Ch Grandgables Charmed I'm Sure ROMC

Can Ch Laureate Invictus ROMC

Laureate Invaluable

Am/Can Ch Laureate Immortality ROMC

Can Ch Laureate Landslide ROMC

Ch Brandina Carmylie Double Digit

MBISS GCHS Ch Belmark Close Encounter AOM ROM

Ch Carmylie Castles In The Sky

BISS GCh Am/Can Ch Jade Mist Belmark Bragging Rights

Ch Belmark InStyle

BISS GCh Ch Belmark Hold Me Closer

Belmark Finesse

BISS GCh Ch Solange Surround Sound ROM

BISS GCh Am/Can Ch Barwood Sound Sensation ROM AOM

Ch Casino Belmark Squeezable (4 CHs)

Ch Barwood Imagination ROM

Ch Belmark Talent Scout II

Casino's C.C. Ryder

Sunbriar Sachet Surreal, Can pts





Belmark Sound Of Music
CEA, CNGA1, DM, MDR1, DMS, VWD3 n/n, eyes normal

This pretty girl is lovely inside and out. Thanks to co-breeder Tracy Gensler for raising her and giving her a good start. We are excited about her future. This girl is balanced, solid and well put together. She is full of herself too, and will be fun to show.

      GChB Ch Rosmoor Protocol ROM ROMC
    GCh Ch Suncrest Rhetoric ROM
GCh Ch Suncrest Reverance BISS GCh Ch Suncrest Glitterati ROM
      GCh Ch Sea Haven Etched In Silver ROM
    Ch Suncrest Panorama
NBISS GCh Ch Suncrest Scenic View   Ch Suncrest Sunnelier
      Ch Sea Haven's Sharper Image ROM
    GCh Ch Sea Haven Etched In Silver
Ch Suncrest Panorama Ch Sea Haven Primo Victorian Lace
      GCh Ch Suncrest Rhetoric ROM
    Ch Suncrest Sunnelier
      BIS BISS GChS Suncrest Cerulean
      BISS Am/Can UKC Ch Bach Belmark On Canvas CGC
    Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM ROMC
  BISS AmGCh Can Ch Belmark Give Me Chills ROM Karmix Third Watch
      BIS NBISS BISS GChP Can Ch Jesstar Nirvana ROMC ROM
Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever ROM
Ch Belmark Kyrie Freeze Warning   Am/Can Ch Felicity Jamaican Me Crazy ROM
      Can Ch Skyward's Versace, Am pts
Am/Can Ch Attridge Hugo Boss (8 Chs)
  Belmark Heirloom Belmark Arendell
      BISS Ch Belmark Tarantino ROM
    Ch Belmark Prized Possession
      Ch Apple Acres Most Expensive




To see our older puppies please check the Up N'Comers page!!

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Copyright © 2007-2025 Bella Corwin :: Belmark Shelties. All Rights Reserved. No graphics or photos may used without written permission.
Graphics by Showtime Design :: Site Maintained by Bella Corwin