
GCh Ch Syringa Paradise Music Of The Night
15-1/4" white factored, tricolor
eyes OFA normal, VWD norma/normal, MDR1 normal/normal, CEA n/n, DM normal/normal, OFA hips Good,
CNGA1-PRA normal/normal, DMS 002:01/023:01/aabb normal

One look at this boy and I fell in love. So lucky to be able to call him mine. Big thanks to Debbie Sirdofsky and Guy Okada for the opportunity. Inbred on a beautiful family line, and with all the qualities I seek, including full dentition, perfect testing, lovely temperament, a sound well placed body, short hocks, clean chiseled headpiece, lovely outline with angles in all the right places. This boy is very special, he finished easily in three days f shows with us, taking WD and BW under Amy Massey at the Central Indiana SSC and WD, BOS at the Green Bay SSC under Anita Stelter the next weekend. And then Award of Merit National 2024 under Ellen Worthington.


Ch Larenta's Thunder N Lightning

Am/Can/Int Ch Apple Acres Chain Lightning ROM

Ch Apple Acres Carte Blanche ROM

Ch C-Mar N Formal Colors

BIS NBISS MBISS CH Homewood Hurricane ROM

Ch Trevanne's Dominique ROM

NBISS MBISS GCH Ch Syringa Treasure Trove ROM

Can Ch Shadlars Trevanne's Trivia

BIS NBISS MBISS Am/Can/Jap Ch Pop Star SS Of NOrthern Farm Jap CD CC ROM ROMC

Ch Macdega Notorious ROM ROMC

Ch Lacewood Silver In The Stars ROM

Ch Fantasia Affair OF The Heart

Shadow Hill's Polaris ROM

Ch Lacewood Cassiopeia

Can Ch Largo Roydon She's Fine By Me

Am/Can/Int Ch Apple Acres Chain Lightning ROM

Ch Apple Acres Carte Blanche ROM

NBISS MBISS GCH Ch Syringa Treasure Trove ROM

Ch Trevanne's Domonique ROM

Ch Macdega Notorious ROM ROMC

Ch Lacewood Silver In The Stars ROM

GCH CH Syringa-Akadia Jolie Bleue CGC
(Littermate sister to "Conrad")

Ch Lacewood Cassiopeia

Ch Stonerhaven Samurai BN RE CGCA ROM

GCH Ch Springmist I Like It, I Love It ROM

Ch Syringa-Akadia Witch One ROM

Springmist Can't Fight The Moonlight

NBISS Ch Sea Haven Chasing Moonbeams CC ROM

Ch Akadia Shake Ur Tailfeather

GCH Ch Akadia Totally Intoxicating


Sire of:
Ch Belmark Me Myself And Aye, ASSA WB
Echowyn Imagine The Possibilities, Am pts
Belmark Pay It Forward, Am/Jap pts
Attridge Christian Dior, Am/Can pts
Ch Belmark Nadia Comaneci
Belmark Bye Bye Birdie, Am mjr pts
Brynmeres Black Diamond, Am mjr pts
Brynmeres Polished Steel, Am pts
Ch Belmark Holy Smoke (finished in 3 days)
Brynmeres Magnum PI, Am pts


$1000 stud fee, see stud agreement below for details
($350 breeding fee, balance due when puppies born)
  Click here to view other options stud service agreement.



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