
Belmark Shelties is a show kennel located in North West Ohio near Bellefontaine, 45 minutes North of Dayton and about an hour from Columbus. I hope you have time to stay and visit and see pictures of our home and kennel. We were established in 1986, striving for AKC standard correct shelties for all rings. We exhibit in AKC (American Kennel Club) and CKC (Canadian Kennel Club). We have been very successful through the years and have the honor of having All breed, Best In Show Winners, Reserve Best in Shows, Specialty Best In Show Winners and ASSA National winners with a couple Everything from Award of Merits, to Winners, Reserve and Best In Futurity and Runner up to Best in Futurity. We strive to produce dogs that adhere to our breed Standard, and are a joy to live with and train. Our lines are based on Banchory through Tall Timber and Macdega with a splash of Heritage Spirit. This blend stamps our shelties with solid, well moving bodies and stable temperaments as well as a classy, elegant presence, loads of coat and a sweet, loving expression. To see some of our informal sheltie photos check out our Gallery pages, Fun Photos, and Fan Letters to name a few.




We would like to invite you to surf our pages, and look around. We have lots going on as always, and have been honored with our breed's parent club award ASSA's Breeder Of Most Champions for 2012, tied in 2014, won 2015, 2016 and 2018 and 2021, 2023 and 2024.

We have bred 142 American Champions, bred and or owned 177 Champions, 73 Canadian Champions and have many others pointed and nearing their Championships. We have owned 8 Register Of Merit Producers with a few more nearing that title. Additionally we are the second highest AKC Champion producing kennel IN BREED HISTORY! (with the gap getting smaller all the time) Our dogs have excelled in many venues and gone on to break many records. Not only in conformation in the All Breed venue and Specialty alike but also in Obedience, rally, agility, and so forth. We pride ourselves in highly intelligent dogs for any venue, specially for loving.


“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”

We attend shows around the year, our dogs are well socialized, of the utmost quality, health tested and much loved. Please take the time to get to know us better; don't forget to check all the links at the bottom of each page. Thanks for visiting with us.

Bode and his descendants, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th generation.
Above from left to right:
Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM ROMC,
BISS GCH Am/Can Ch Belmak Give Me Chills,
GCH Am/Can Ch Attridge Pearls Of Wisdom,
Ch Belmark Atari, Ch Belmark Drum Roll Please ASSA RWD,
Belmark Casana Am/Can pts



1/5/24 -  Our first show of the year. Belmark Hometown Hero "Victor "was WD to bring him to 11 points both majors. Belmark Quinceanera "Quincy" was WB to bring her to 6 points with a major.

1/25/24 First shows for Belmark Outlaw Redemption our blue puppy wonder was WD and BW both days to add 4 points to his record. Belmark Quinceanera was RWB and Belmark Once Upon A Time was RWB the next day.

1/27/24 Belmark Quinceanera was WB and BW for a major under judge Butch Schulman, this gives her a second major and 9 points.

1/28/24 Ch Belmark Kyrie Freeze Warning
by BISS GCh Ch Belmark Give Me Chills x Belmark Heirloom
bred by myself and co-cowed with Tracy Gensler

2/25/24 Belmark Outlaw Redemption was undefeated winning WD all three days entered. He also won Best in Sweeps both days and BISS from the puppy classes under Jeannette Powers Hudson! Ch Belmark Cosmopolis was specialed for the first time since his quick finish last year and he was BISS three days! Belmark Me Myself And Aye was WB under Jeannette, and WB and BW under Carl Skinner. Belmark Nadia Comaneci was WB and BW under Kathy Wilkins. We had a good weekend.

3/3/24 Ch Belmark Quinceanera, finishes with her fourth major. she picked up two majors this weekend. One under Debbie Ferguson and the other under Michelle Strubble.  Also GCh Belmark Cosmopolis, picked up another two BISS to finish his grand in 4 days of shows. Belmark Further Ado, was reserve at his first show and then WD under Debbie Ferguson for a major and under Amy Massey he was WD and BW, he comes home with 5 points.

3/10/24 Belmark Quick As A Wink "Quick" was WB and BW for a 4 point major under Lori Montero, and reserve under Carl Williford. She was also Best In Sweeps under Jane Hammett. Belmark Further Ado was WD and BW under Debra Nordby and reserve under Lori Montero. He was also WD under Carl Williford, all for majors at the Greater Charlotte specialties. Ch Mystic Suntime Jesse James was Best of Breed under both Lori and Debra and BOS under Carl, he just needs a single to finish his grand.

3/15/24 Ch Belmark Further Ado, was WD in Louisville KY under Linda Robey for a 4 point major to finish. Belmark Me Myself And Aye, was Reserve WB at the specialty under Neena Van Camp to a 4 point win.

3/31/24 Belmark Once Upon A Time was WB and BW at the Miami Valley SSC under Terry Jennings Bailey for a major. She then was WB, BW and BOS at the Cincinnati SSC under Bob Piccirillo for a second major, and then WB BOS under Carolyn Herbel, she now has 8 points in one weeekend. It is now Ch Belmark Hometown Hero also earned two majors this weekend under Terri Jennings Bailey and Mary Anne Brocious. Also it is now BISS Belmark Savage Love earning a 4 point major at the Miami Valley SSC under judge Edy Dykstray-Blum going WB, BW and BOB over specials.

4/7/24 Ch Belmark Once Upon A Time was WB for a major and then Best of Breed and then on to Herding Group 2nd for a 5 pt major. Then on Sunday she again was WB, BW and Best of Breed (we didn't stay for Groups). On Saturday Belmark Handwritten "Henley" was Reserve to Wendy.

ASSA National 2024
We had a great National, we only walked with one dog. Everyone else made the cuts or a placement, here is the list; Click on photo to view larger.

Belmark Outlaw Redemption; Futurity 2nd - 9-12 month class

Belmark Savage Love; Futurity 3rd - 9-12 month class

Belmark Outlaw Redemption; 1st - 9-12 month class
and was pulled out for WD!

Belmark Hometown Hero; 2nd - Bred-by Dog
to WD!

Belmark Believe In Magic; 2nd - 6-9 month Sable class

Belmark Quick As A Wink; 3rd - 6-9 month AOAC class

Belmark Savage Love; 3rd - Bred By Puppy

Belmark Nadia Comaneci; made the cut - Open Blue Bitch
Belmark Heartbeat; made the cut - 9-12 month class

For specials All of them made the cuts!
Ch Belmark Further Ado; made the first cut in a quality Group as a move up puppy.
Ch Belmark Eternal; made all three cuts before Award of Merit, and looked beautiful in Top 20!

Ch Kensil's Proven Trouble; made all three cuts before Award Of Merit!
Ch Syringa Paradise Music Of The Night; won Award Of Merit!

Ch Belmark This Is Us; won Award Of Merit!!

5/12/24 our first show back after the National Our three entries were: Belmark Sky's The Limit "Skylar" at his first show was WD, Belmark Savage Love, was WB and BW and GCh Ch Mystic Suntime Jessee James, completed his GCH title by going Best of Breed! (we did not stay for Groups). On Sunday was WD again and JJ was breed again.

5/18/24 Belmark Outlaw Redemption, was WD twice to single out, winning under Jennie Hynes and Lorraine Bisso, in Cumberland Maine. He just needs a major to finish.

5/26/24 yesterday at the Fairbanks AK shows handled by Sherry Sims Belmark Nadia Comaneci was WB and BW for a 3 point major, nice way to start. She followed that up with 2 more points today, this gives her 6 points. Nadia is by GCH Ch Syringa Paradise Music Of The Night x Ch Echowyn Dream Possible.

6/9/24 On Saturday; It is now Ch Belmark Outlaw Redemption, "Monty" finished with a specialty major at the Western NY SSC under breeder judge Glen Stark. Then on Sunday Belmark Heartbeat won a major under judge Sheryl Kendrick. Not to be outdone Ch Belmark Greatest Assets "Seth" was Select at all three shows, first weekend out as a special. 

6/22/24 Belmark Nadia Comaneci won a 5 point major today under the capable hands of Sherry Sims! She just needs 4 singles, not bad for a moderate little blue dynamite

6/23/24 Belmark You Had Me At Hello "Willow" was WB and BOS for her first 2 points, so excited for this beautiful BISS GCh Ch Kensil's Proven Trouble, daughter. And littermate to "Wendy" who we finished earlier this year, Ch Belmark Once Upon A Time.

6/30/24 Belmark Sky's The Limit "Skylar" was WD for 1pt and Belmark You Had Me At Hello "Willow" was WB and BW for 2 more points. Ch Belmark Greatest Asset was also select a couple days this weekend, he is up to 11 points in two weeks.

7/7/24 Belmark Sky's The Limit "Skylar" was WD both days and on Sunday was BW and BOB. Belmark You Had Me At Hello "Willow" was WB and BOS for 2 more points on Sunday. Thanks to judges Butch Schulman and Dr Vicki Sandage DVM.

7/12/24 It is now Ch Belmark Nadia Comaneci "Nadia", finished in three short months with select shows. Thanks to handler Sherri Sims. She finished in style with a Best of Breed and Group 3rd!

7/20/24 yesterday Belmark You Had Me At Hello "Willow was WB and BW and Ch Belmark Greatest Asset "Seth" was BOB and OH Group 3. Today "Willow" was WB, BW and BOB, we love this girl.

7/20/24 We congratulate owner Cynthia Homes on finishing Ch Oakdale After Hours "Zena". She  is by Ch Rosmoor Elysuim x Belmark Oakdale Snow Flurry and was co-bred with myself and Cindy. This is the second kid to finish from thus breeding.

7/26/24 Can Ch Vince! Thanks to Bev Klassen, who finished him in two weekends. So proud of this boy and a;; the babies he leaves in Canada. Vince will be home in August after the Canadian National. Then the next day Bev finishes Can Ch Belmark Carbon Copy "CC" who is by Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM ROMC x Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya given Me Fever ROM.

7/28/24 yesterday Belmark Sky's The Limit "Skylar" was WD and Heaven's Silver Lining "Sylvie" (a Ch Tarantino daughter) was Reserve WB, the big news though is that it is now BISS Ch Belmark Greatest Asset "Seth" who won BOB at the Chicagolnad SSC, thanks to all these wins to judge Anita Stetler. Today "Skylar was WD and BOS and "Seth was select under Jennie Hynes, again at the specialty.


For more show updates from previous years please click here!!

This site last updated on: September 5th 2024
Last updated pages: Boys, Rising Stars, Pets For Sale, Show Dogs For Sale


!!!!! Visit our Blog www.belmarkshelties.blogspot.com
To stay up to date on our happenings here at Belmark. This is a look at our daily lives and more photos of puppies and current happenings

Edwin and Bella Corwin (formerly Thompson)
De Graff, Ohio
(937) 844-3557

Member of:

Miami Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club
American Shetland Sheepdog Association

ASSA Regional Director and Board member
AKC Shetland Sheepdog and Junior judge



We pledge to;
Uphold the values and standards set forth by the AKC,
promoting the betterment of the breed through careful planning
and a commitment to the dogs that we love, past-present and the generations to come_

Because of our dedication and accomplishments in this breed we have been awarded the title below

Puppy Room
| Artistry | Photography | History | Fun Photos | Standard | Ch Maverick | Fall Gathering | Kennels

 Copyright © 2007-2018 Bella Thompson :: Belmark Shelties. All Rights Reserved. No graphics or photos may used without written permission.
Graphics by Showtime Design :: Site Maintained by Bella Thompson