Click on photo to go to each dog's page.
Click here to view our Stud Service Contract

Please check each stud's page for pricing, testing and other info (scroll to the bottom of the page). Also view Stud Service contract above for payment terms and options. We require a negative brucellosis on incoming bitches. All bitches will be bred AI, smears available on visiting bitches upon request. We also offer in home ovulation testing for $45, if you wish.
Ship to Dayton or Columbus International Airports. A $35 trip charge will be charged on incoming bitches that need picked up or dropped off at the airport. Please contact us on your bitches first day of season or as soon as possible to book space and make plans for her stay. Boarding will not be charged on visiting bitches while being bred. Any bitches left for more than 3 days after notification of last breeding will incur a $15 a day boarding fee. All incoming girls will be kept in our home and we will provide them our food, or you may bring your own if you want your bitch fed a special diet.

Please contact us by email at:
or by cell: 937-844-3557

We are very proud of our stud dogs,  and feel these dogs closely adhere to the standard. They have also proven themselves as producers with bitches of various lines with great success. Our boy's semen is checked regularly to ensure of viable strong swimmers. We offer fresh chilled semen on these boys to the fancy. This is a wonderful cost efficient, stress free option to shipping your bitch. Please inquire if you have any questions about this process or would like to talk about or see any of our boys in person!

We can ship fresh chilled semen by FedEx overnight air with your FedEx number, breeding fee must be prepaid. We ask you to contact us the day before you wish to ship so that we have time to get the shipment booked and ready for morning pick up or delivery in the afternoon. 
Order your extender and shipping boxes from: Exodus Breeders Corporation, or Rover shippers 
These must be shipped to me in advance as the coolant needs frozen prior to shipment. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us.



The Boys At Belmark:


 BISS Am/Can Ch "Ritz"

Ch "Henrik"

GCh Am/Can Ch "Vermont"

BISS GCh Ch "Seth"

GCh Ch "Phantom" AOM

MBISS GCh Am/Can Ch "JJ"

Ch "Victor"

BISS GCh Ch "Trouble"

GCh Am/Can Ch "Vince"

MBISS GChB Ch "Ethan"

MBISS GCh Ch "Cosmos"

BISS GCh Ch "Pearson" AOM









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Graphics by Showtime Design :: Site Maintained by Bella Thompson